BACT Strategic Plan – E-Survey
Bowls ACT has engaged McLaughlin Sports Consultancy to develop a new Strategic Plan for the organisation with the aim of driving Bowls ACT into the future and aligning priorities with the rest of Australia. The new Strategic Plan will cover Bowls ACT operations from 2022 through to 2025 with the goal of driving a future proof organisation that can sustainably build into the community.
With the process of building a new Strategic Plan now commencing, Bowls ACT would like to invite you to have your say through the Stakeholder e-survey. This survey offers the opportunity for you to have your say on what you believe is the key projects and opportunities for Bowls moving forward. To undertake the survey please use the link below;
CLICK HERE to complete the BACT 2022-2025 Strategic Plan – Have Your Say! Stakeholder e-Survey
The e-survey will close on Wednesday the 6th of July. Please feel free to share the link with the Bowls community. We want to hear from as many people as possible from a wide range of roles within the community including bowls club board / committee members, playing members, program participants, officials, parents of junior players, relevant host club personnel and any other role you can think of.